Public Speaking

By Kaylee S

All humans have fears, whether it is looking down from the highest part of a roller coaster, or plugging into the water of a swimming pool for the first time. Yet, most people are afraid of glossophobia, the fear of public speaking.  Unlike swimming or facing venomous insects, public speaking isn’t avoidable. For this, I have discovered a few methods to overcome this fear. First, I find practicing in front of a mirror very helpful. Mirrors don’t criticize you and while practicing you can see what you look like and improve on your presentation skills. If you want feedback then you can present to a family member or a friend, doing so you can gain practice and honest feedback. Finally, before giving a speech remember to calm down, when talking with confidence, everything you say, whether true or false, will be believable. Overall, as long as you practice and stay confident, public speaking can be conquered like all other fears. 


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